Metal dome quality inspection method

If you want to understand the quality inspection method of metal domes, you must first know the factors that affect the quality of metal domes.

1. Lifespan of the metal dome

The service life of a metal dome is a key factor in evaluating its quality. The life expectancy of the metal dome ensures the durability and longevity of the dome, making it suitable for prolonged use without premature failure. Best is based on designing and manufacturing metal domes that exceed required lifetime specifications, providing customers with reliable components that can withstand repeated start-ups.

The force of the metal dome

2. The force bearing capacity of the metal dome refers to the ability to withstand the driving force without deformation or failure. Ensuring that the metal dome can consistently deliver the force needed for the electronics to function properly is critical. We formulate the driving force according to the drawing provided by the customer. Quality testing allows the assessment of the force-bearing capacity of metal domes to ensure that they meet the required standards.

3. Resistance of the metal dome

The electrical resistance of a metal dome is a key factor in determining its electrical performance. The metal dome ensures electrical conductivity and reliable electrical contact depending on the material and plating used. For example: stainless steel metal domes typically have a contact resistance of less than 10 ohms, while nickel-, silver-, or gold-plated domes typically have a contact resistance of less than 1 ohm.

4. The appearance of the metal dome

The sleek appearance of the metal dome contributes to its overall quality and customer satisfaction. During the quality inspection, the dome is thoroughly inspected for some stains such as burrs. This inspection may affect that the metal dome will not be punctured and dirty during subsequent use. By maintaining a high visual standard, Best was able to ensure that the metal dome met client expectations and delivered a polished end product.

Then according to the above factors that affect the quality of metal domes, we have also developed corresponding quality inspection methods for these, mainly starting from these aspects:

1. Metal dome life: mainly through the life tester to detect whether the life of the shrapnel meets the requirements. The metal dome life tester mainly simulates the real use environment and detects the number of times the metal dome is used, which can ensure that the metal dome has a sufficient service life and meets the expected quality standards.

2. Strength test: Use a strength tester to detect the strength of the shrapnel. Generally, the strength range of the shrapnel is ±30G, which is normal. Measure the force required to actuate the metal dome and verify that it is acceptable. Force testing confirms that the metal domes can withstand the required actuation forces without deforming or failing, ensuring reliability and consistent performance.

3. Appearance inspection: whether there is dust, oil stains, stains on it. The inspectors have gone through skilled inspection and carefully inspected each metal dome to ensure that the appearance of the metal dome remains smooth and clean.

4. Contact resistance test: According to the material and electroplating of the metal dome, conduct a proper test, and the resistance of different materials is also different.

Best Technology has rich manufacturing experience both in the production and testing of metal domes. If you have needs for metal domes, you can send us an email to consult us in detail, or you can follow our website to learn more about the materials and production of metal domes.

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